Assessment and Management of Pediatric Trauma
Module 2: Pediatric Airway and Breathing
of 55

Assessment of Airway and Breathing

Signs of increased work of breathing include:


To recognise tachypnea in a pediatric patient, knowledge of normal respiratory rate by age group is required. Normal values are shown in the table below.


Respiratory Rate in Breaths per Minute

Birth – 1 year

20 - 45

1 year – 2 years

20 - 35

2 -7 years

20 - 30

7 – 12 years

15 - 25

12 years up

12 - 25


Intercostal, subcostal and sternal recession

Tracheal tug

Head bobbing due to sternocleidomastoid muscle use

Nasal flaring

Module 2: Pediatric Airway and Breathing