Assessment and Management of Pediatric Trauma
Module 6: Pediatric Trauma Analgesia and Sedation
of 18

Practice Cases

  1. A previously healthy 4yoM presents to the ED after a fall on the playground with a right shin laceration, requiring washout and stiches. He does not have an IV. What medications and non-pharmacologic interventions would you provide for the procedure and why?
  2. A previously healthy 17yoF who is Spanish-speaking presents to the ED after a skiing accident, resulting in a left femur fracture. She is in severe pain and will require urgent operative fixation of the fracture. Describe your interview technique with this teenager. What initial analgesia regimen would you choose and why?
  3. A previously healthy 15yoF is admitted to the hospital with dehydration and road rash of the left torso following a road biking accident. What sedation regiment would you use and why?
Module 6: Pediatric Trauma Analgesia and Sedation