Assessment and Management of Pediatric Trauma
Module 6: Pediatric Trauma Analgesia and Sedation
of 18

Sedation: Preparation

Do NOT provide sedation if there is inadequate capacity to manage sequelae of over-sedation, such as respiratory depression.

Consider consultation with a subspecialist/ anesthesiologist if the child is ASA III or above, has special needs, or anatomic airway abnormalities.

  • Coté CJ, Wilson S; American academy of pediatrics; American academy of pediatric dentistry. Guidelines for Monitoring and Management of Pediatric Patients Before, During, and After Sedation for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Update 2016. Pediatrics. 2016;138(1):e2016121
  • Committee on Economics. ASA Physical Status Classifcation System. ASA. Accessed April 27, 2021.
Module 6: Pediatric Trauma Analgesia and Sedation